01/04/2015 | Writer: Kaos GL

A Turkish university did not give permission for an LGBTI rights panel organized by university’s Psychological Counseling and Guidance Club.

Ban on LGBTI rights panel: Sexuality constitutes a danger against university Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
A Turkish university did not give permission for an LGBTI rights panel organized by university’s Psychological Counseling and Guidance Club.
The rectorship of Inonu University in the eastern city of Malatya did not give permission for an LGBTI rights panel which would host Kaos GL Association on April 13-14, deeming sexuality issues a danger against the university.
The rectorship stated that they do not want the university to have a reputation for “such issues”, which forbids students from talking about LGBTI rights publicly.
Ali Erol from Kaos GL Association talked to local news portal Malatya Haber Saati and asked: “Who will protect LGBTI students at Inonu University from discrimination?”
Erol made the following statement about the university’s ban on LGBTI rights panel:
“Since 1994, I’ve been to tens of campuses, not only in Ankara, but in various cities such as Van, Istanbul, Sivas and Antalya. Concerns and even prejudices of people and institutions can be understood but the argument ‘university and society is not ready’ is an outdated one. The ban prevents an academic need being met and also gives the message that the very existence of different identities will not be recognized.”   

Tags: human rights, education