01/10/2009 | Writer: KAOS GL

Today's Zaman Newspaper
September 24, 2009

Two police chiefs had to resign after an investigation was launched regarding them after videos showing their gay relationship were revealed, which brought a question into discussion "whether gays could become police officers or not."

Erzincan Police Academy's deputy director H.K. resigned on his own will after it was revealed that he had gay relationship with students last February. Also, police chief M.A., who was appointed to Karabuk, resigned after a video showing his gay relationship was revealed.

Osman Karakus, the legal adviser to the Security Department, argued that the department, in European Union (EU) adjustment process, should approach gay police officers more moderately. Retired Police Chiefs' Association reacted to the discussions saying, "the security department cannot endure gay relationship."

Sevim Salihoglu, the secretary general of the Human Rights Association (IHD), said, "we do not want to see people facing such treatment for their sexual preferences. Sexuality is the own choice of persons like all other choices."

Original Link of this News Article: "Gay Police Discussions"
Tags: human rights, labour