13/02/2007 | Writer: KAOS GL

May 17-20, 2007, Thursday-Sunday, Ankara, Turkey

Invitation to Anti-Homophobia 2007

The 17th of May International Anti - Homophobia day is a day for activism and resistance against all physical, ethical and symbolic violence regarding gender identity or sexual orientation. Through coordination and cooperation, the aim is to inspire and support all initiatives that struggle for equality.

As KAOS GL, we organized the first International Anti - Homophobia Meeting 17 - 21 May 2006. The 2007 Anti-Homophobia meeting will take place 17-20 May (Thursday to Sunday).

We are in the process of making preparations for Anti-Homophobia 2007, and we would like to share the provisional headlines for the meeting with you. We hope to hear from you regarding your suggestions, contributions or direct participation both from LGBT organizations, academia and anyone else who would like to contribute.

The Anti-homophobia meeting will consist of a variety of activities; workshops, panels, conferences, parties and film showings. The activities will take place in different locations and in different formats, on three university campuses. Some activities will be open to all, while others will be open to LGBT people only. Some activities will only be open to registered and invited participants. Some of activities will be open to the press and media, while others will be closed.

The main subject of the 2007 meeting will be
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