08/01/2010 | Writer: KAOS GL

5 Months Left for The 5th Meeting!
International Meeting Against Homophobia, May 1-17, 2010

Every year since 2006, we get together against homophobia within the week of May 17.

Kaos GL, working against Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity based discrimination, organizes a meeting against homophobia for the week of May 17. The 5th meeting against homophobia will be held on May 17th, 2010.

For 15 years, KAOS GL has been organizing social, cultural and academic activities for the improvement of the human rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite and Transsexual (LGBT) individuals.

We hosted the 1st meeting in 2006 as a four-day event; in 2009, the meeting went beyond Ankara and spread to 5 more cities as a result of the network established against homophobia.

Why May 17th?
May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia to stand and act against all physical, moral and symbolic violence based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

Why Anti-Homophobia?
We, as LGBT individuals, face homophobic attitudes and behaviors in every aspect of our lives and are exposed to discrimination because of our sexual orientation and gender identity.

We recognize the fact that the problem of homophobia is not limited to LGBT people; we aim to highlight that it is also an issue for heterosexual women and men.

Why Meeting?
Our aim is to create a platform where discrimination against LGBT individuals is discussed and LGBT visibility is ensured.

With the help of this meeting, we want to discuss and share our thoughts about a world where both LGBT and heterosexual individuals are liberated.

We are looking for solutions for our problems; we want to share the solutions we find and create material and spiritual possibilities for interference, if needed.

We believe that the International Meeting Against Homophobia is a prime part of our work in the direction of improving LGBT individuals
Tags: life