05/11/2013 | Writer: Kaos GL

Kaos GL Association calls for defending that LGBT rights are fundamental human rights through the symposium which will take place during the Human Rights Week.

Symposium against Discriminations: Call for the Academic Forum Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Kaos GL Association calls for defending that LGBT rights are fundamental human rights through the symposium which will take place during the Human Rights Week.


The second Symposium against Discriminations, which is to be held on the Human Rights week by Kaos GL Association, will take place on 9-14 December in Ankara.


The Symposium aims to bring visibility to the heterosexist and discriminatory attitudes and practices which LGBT individuals face in daily life and strengthen the human rights movement and solidarity against such discriminations.


Kaos GL, acting with “The liberation of homosexuals will also free heterosexuals” motto, states that all ideologies and sorts of discrimination take strength from each other, and emphasizes the necessity of a joint struggle to liberate together.


Against the discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in education

Kaos GL, which organizes the Symposium against Discriminations in dedication to the International Human Rights Day, aims to tackle the discriminatory practices that LGBT people face in the fields of education, employment, health, housing, and social services through the participation of whole of the related parties.


This year, "sexual orientation and gender identity in education" theme will be highlighted in the Symposium against Discriminations.


Call for the Academic Forum

As part of the Symposium against Discriminations, an "Academic Forum" will take place on 11-12 December 2013 in Cebeci Campus of Ankara University.


For the Academic Forum, Kaos GL expects abstracts from academics, doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate students who works on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans (LGBT) topics.


Kaos GL, which aims for connecting academy and LGBT movement in order to strengthen each other, intends to examine heterosexism, heteronormativity, homophobia, transphobia and queer theory scientifically through presenting and discussing scientific data within this programme.


Academic Forum is expected not only to lend impetus to LGBT and queer studies but also to enable the process of scientific production to be questioned once again based on heterosexism and homophobia, and to be restructured.


The association expects your abstracts for the Academic Forum, which will take place on 11-12 December 2013 in Cebeci Campus of Ankara University as a part of Symposium against Discrimination, to be sent to bilgi@kaosgldernegi.org until 18 November 2013.

Symposium against Discriminations is funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) Program, the British Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, the Swiss Embassy and Sivil Düşün Program.

Tags: human rights, education